For Sale

Works For Sale

Below are images of paintings I presently have for sale. Please feel free to contact me for prices and more details. Some of them are available through several commercial online gallery sites and links to a selection of these can also be found below.

Castlefield Manchester No. 5 (At Night) 70x70cm Acrylic on Canvas. FOR SALE Contact for details.
Painting of Paris
As I Walked Through Paris: Rue Lagrange & Rue Galande. 80cmX61cm Acrylic on Board. FOR SALE. Contact for details.
Painting of bars and restaurants on Deansgate Manchester, at night.
Bars on Deansgate, Manchester, No. 3 (50x 70cm Acrylic on board. Painted 2023. .
image of painting Pubs on Kennedy Street No. 3 by Michael Gutteridge
Pubs on Kennedy Street, Manchester, No. 3 50x70cm Acrylic on Board 2023 FOR SALE. Contact for details.
Painting of pubs on kennedy Street, Manchester, for sale.
Pubs On Kennedy St. No.2 (50x70cm. Acrylic on board) Painted 2018. FOR SALE Price available on request.
Painting of Montmartre by Michael Gutteridge
Montmartre, Paris at Night (70x50cm actylic on board.) Painted 2022. SOLD.
Canal St Manchester Painting for sale
Canal Street, manchester, No. 4 (40x50cm Acrylic on board) FOR SALE. Contact for details
Painting of Crown Inn by Michael Gutteridge
The Crown Inn, Stockport, at Night. (50x40cm Acrylic on board.) Painted 2012 FOR SALE. Price available on request
Painting of St. Peter's Sq. by Michael Gutteridge
Tram Station in St. Peter’s Square, Manchester, No. 6. (50x70cm Acrylic on board.) Painted 2020. FOR SALE (Price on application)
Painting of Manchester by Michael Gutteridge
Great Northern Square, Manchester, No. 8. (50x70cm. Acrylic on board.) Painted 2016. FOR SALE. Contact for details.
Painting of Urbis and Exchange Gardens, Manchester with Lowry Matchstick figures
Urbis and Cathedral Gardens No. 3 with Lowry Matchstick figures (40x50cm Acrylic on board) Painted 2020. FOR SALE. Contact for details.
Painting of Piccadilly Manchester by Michael Gutteridge
South East Piccadilly Square, Manchester No. 2. (50x70cm Acrylic on board.) Painted 2009-2020. FOR SALE. Contact for details.
Painting of London by Michael Gutteridge
Fireworks Over the Houses of Parliament in London 50X70CM Acrylic on board. Painted 2020. SOLD.
Painting of Northern Quarter Manchester for sale
Dale Street Looking North, Manchester. (50x40cm Acrylic on board.) FOR SALE Contact for details.
Painting of Terraced houses in Manchester for sale
Terraced Houses No. 2. (50x70cm Acrylic on board.) Painted 2012. FOR SALE. Contact for details.
Edge of the Northern Quarter. (50x70cm Acrylic on board.) Painted 2025. FOR SALE. Price on application.
Painting of Red brick building for sale
Building in Manchester (50x40cm Acrylic on board.) Painted 2011. FOR SALE. Contact for details.
Painting of Jolly Angler pub, Manchester
The Jolly Angler, Ancoats, Manchester. (50x40cm Acrylic on board.) Painted 2017. FOR SALE Price available on request.
Painting of View from Piccadilly Station, Manchester for sale.
View West From Piccadilly Station No. 2 (50x70cm Acrylic on Board) Painted 2021. FOR SALE. Contact for details.
Painting of Pub in Stockport for sale
The Queen’s Head, Underbank, Stockport. (40x50cm Acrylic on board.) Painted 2012 FOR SALE FRAMED Price available on request.
Painting of Suburban Landscape, in England for sale
Some Suburbia(50x70cm Acrylic on board.) Painted 2010-20. FOR SALE. Contact for details.
Painting by Michael Gutteridge
Man on Mobile Phone No. 2 (Acrylic on Board) Painted 2021. FOR SALE. Contact for details.
Painting of man on mobile phone for sale
Man on Mobile Phone No. 3 (Acrylic on Board) Painted 2021. FOR SALE. Contact for details.

Links to a selection of commercial online gallery sites where some of these works can be bought are listed below. Yet, these galleries take a commission so it’s better to contact me directly if preferred.


Art Gallery UK


Saatchi Gallery

A collection of limited edition giclée prints are also for sale and can seen here.